Justice for Reese's, the Tiny Chihuahua Senselessly Shot by a Cop

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Prosecuting Attorney, Faulkner County, Arkansas
Barking is a natural means of communication for our canine friends. It's just a fact that dogs bark. They also run around excitedly — especially when they're around other dogs.

So then why did Deputy Keenan Wallace shoot a little chihuahua named Reese's for doing what comes natural to him? The truth is, there was no reason.

Please sign this petition demanding that the canine police shooting be thoroughly investigated in order to bring animal cruelty charges against Wallace.

Reese's owner, Doug Canady, caught the whole devastating incident on video. Responding to a call about an aggressive dog, Arkansas Deputy Keenan Wallace showed up outside Canady's house. Two small dogs, including Reese's, can be seen running around on the grass, and then one of them starts to bark.

It's at this point that Deputy Wallace shoots the less-than-ten-pound chihuahua as Canady yells at the cop. Thankfully Reese's is still alive, though he needs jaw surgery to heal his injuries.

According to Sheriff Tim Ryals, Wallace has been fired for firing his service weapon instead of de-escalating the situation — but that's not enough.

Far too often, police get away with excessive force. It must stop now.

Please join in demanding that the prosecutor's office investigate Wallace's actions and file animal cruelty charges now.
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