The bill (H.R. 935) introduced in the House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress on February 17, 2005 by U.S. Representatives Michael M. Honda (D CA) and Edward R. Royce (R CA) and referred to the House Committee on International Relations urges the Government of Ethiopia to hold orderly, peaceful, and free and fair national elections in May 2005 and authorizes United States assistance for elections-related activities to monitor the Ethiopian national elections.

Past experiences as well as recent developments indicate that the Ethiopian Government would do everything possible to derail and defraud the upcoming national elections and the democratic process. To achieve lasting peace and democratic progress in Ethiopia, the United States and other democracies around the world need to put pressure on the regime to respect human rights, restructure the National Election Board in a manner that makes the Board impartial and independent, allow independent international observers to monitor the May 15, 2005 elections, respect the rule of law, and help ensure a genuine and transparent election process.

Democracy-loving people around the world respectfully request, with utmost urgency, that all efforts be made to ensure the passage of H.R. 935 by the U.S. Congress as soon as possible so that the noble and democratic purpose of this bill is realized and Ethiopia begins a new, fresh path toward peace and democracy.

Please sign this petition and also write to President George W. Bush, Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice, the U.S. Congress, the House Committee on International Relations, and the Congressional Black Caucus, in support of H.R. 935 (Free and Fair Elections in Ethiopia) and the spread of genuine democracy around the globe.
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