Unite Alabama to Modernize the State's Constitution

The Alabama Constitution is 118 years old and was written with the specific intent to disenfranchise people of color and impoverished communities. Currently, our constitution still contains Jim Crow era language referencing racial segregation in public schools and poll taxes.  Though these policies were deemed unconstitutional long ago, this shameful language nonetheless remains in our constitution. The people of this state deserve better, and the removal of this antiquated language is long overdue.

We, the citizens of Alabama, have the power to rectify the past by modernizing our constitution to reflect our nation's values of equality, inclusiveness, unity, and opportunity for all. The removal of this racially divisive language will not only better reflect these values, but also create a more inviting atmosphere which will promote economic development in our state. By signing this petition, you will demonstrate to lawmakers that the citizens of Alabama demand the modernization of the Alabama Constitution. Please join us in our efforts as we fight to Unite Alabama. Thank you!

Uppdatera #15 år sedan
Unite Alabama will be holding a rally in front of the Alabama State Capitol this Saturday (4/27) from 9:00-11:00 am. We hope to see you there!
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