Support the White House Conference on Children and Youth

In 1909, President Theodore Roosevelt established the first White House Conference on Children and Youth. He invited citizens from across the country to plan for the well-being of the country's young people. With this first presidential meeting, a White House precedent was set, and a similar conference was held every 10 years until 1970.

Typically, a White House conference begins a year in advance, with local and state meetings of concerned citizens and stakeholders, and culminates at a national conference.

The White House Conference on Children and Youth is dedicated to critical child welfare issues, including child abuse and neglect, keeping families together, health and mental care, tribal children's issues and homelessness. However, it has been almost 40 years since the last White House Conference on Children and Youth has been held.

Passing the White House Conference on Children and Youth in 2010 Act is critical to improving the lives of children and families. Please ask your representative to support HR 618, the White House Conference on Children and Youth in 2010 Act.
Dear [Decision Maker],

Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA) and Rep. Todd Platts (R-PA) have introduced legislation to re-establish the White House Conference on Children and Youth in 2010 (HR 618). The conference would encourage improvements in each state and local child welfare system and develop recommendations for actions to implement those policies.

It has been far too long -- almost 40 years -- since the last Conference on Children and Youth was held. Critical child welfare issues such as child abuse and neglect, keeping families together, health and mental care, tribal children's issues and homelessness must be a priority as we look to improve the lives of our nation's most vulnerable members -- children. HR 618 is a great step toward addressing these issues.

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