Commemorate World AIDS Day

  • av: amfAR
  • mottagare: You, your friends and family
In 2009 alone, more than 700,000 HIV-positive pregnant women around the world received treatment to prevent them from passing HIV onto their children. This method of HIV prevention, which has enabled millions of babies to be born HIV-free, is the result of amfAR-funded research. Supporters like you made this possible.

Now is your chance to keep up the great work we have set in motion. World AIDS Day is a time to unite in memory of those who have died from this disease, to increase awareness of the vital importance of HIV/AIDS research, and to advocate for research leading to a cure.

This year for World AIDS Day you can help bring awareness to the importance of AIDS research:

1. Sign this pledge supporting amfAR.
2. Donating your Facebook or Twitter status - "Stand with me and commemorate World AIDS Day - 1 Dec - Take action with @amfar -"
3. Learning more about what's being done for HIV/AIDS research.
4. Thanking amfAR for their work to improve HIV/AIDS treatment and find a cure.
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