Save Africa's Great Cats and Rare Canids

Africa's predators are under siege. Beset by habitat fragmentation, loss of prey and humans protecting their livestock -- their populations are plummeting.

No more than 23,000 lions now survive in the African wild. African wild dogs have been wiped out in some areas, and the Ethiopian wolf is on the verge of extinction.

The need for conservation of Africa's great predators is urgent -- many other animals depend on them directly or indirectly for survival. That's why your support is required for the Great Cats and Rare Canids Act. The bill will assist with the conservation of over a dozen critically imperiled species around the world threatened by habitat loss, poaching, disease, pollution and human-wildlife conflict.

Urge your senators to support the Great Cats and Rare Canids Act.

Africa's great cats and rare canines are losing ground in the conservation battle. Lions, leopards, cheetahs, Ethiopian wolves and wild dogs play critical roles in African ecosystems, but their future is uncertain due to loss of habitat, disease and conflict with their human neighbors.

National parks and other protected areas play a critical role, but many of these animals live outside of parks. To survive, predators must have room to roam and hunt without clashing with human communities.

That's why I urge you to support for the Great Cats and Rare Canids Act. The bill would assist in the conservation of over a dozen critically imperiled species around the world currently threatened by habitat loss, poaching, disease, pollution and human-wildlife conflict.

It would also sustain current conservation activities and expand upon strategic measures to protect and restore species populations. Similar to existing conservation funds for marine turtles, elephants, tigers and rhinos and great apes, the Great Cats and Rare Canids Act would authorize $5 million annually to implement conservation programs.

These funds have an established history of generating conservation partnerships and the leveraging of millions of dollars from other sources for projects that are critical to species conservation.

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Please help save Africa's great predators -- support the Great Cats and Rare Canids Act.
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