Help End the Bear Bile Trade in Vietnam

The cruel and pointless bear bile industry in Vietnam is nearly finished. It's one of the despicable 'trades' that's been pushing moon bears to the point of extinction. 

These bears are usually poached from the wild as cubs, often brutally torn from their mothers. They're kept in tiny cages and have their bile extracted in the most painful way you can imagine – so it can be used in traditional medicine. 

But the actions of people like you, and the work of Animals Asia is shutting down the bear bile trade in Vietnam. 

Sign here now and help end bear bile farming FOR GOOD! 

The Government of Vietnam has committed to work with Animals Asia so we can rescue these sad bears from bile farms – and bring them to beautiful, safe sanctuaries.

Join this global movement of animal lovers and raise your paw in support!

Pledge to help us end the bear bile industry, close down all the farms, and bring every last bile bear to sanctuary. 

Sign the pledge and help close the final pages of this unspeakable chapter in animal exploitation and give Vietnam's moon bears the happy future they deserve.

Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen


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