Stop the Yulin Dog Eating Festival! (That's right! They EAT dogs after torturing them so they taste 'better'!)

  • av: A VERY Concerned Citizen
  • mottagare: Governor of Yulin GuangXi Province China - Mr. Chen Wu and Chinese Minister of Agriculture

Every year, thousands and thousands of people come to celebrate the Chinese Yulin national 'dog eating' festival.

According to a petition to end the 2015 Dog Eating Festival:
This brutal "festival" involves what some call savouring the "delights" of dog meat hotpot, lychees, and strong liquor -- which will increase the abduction of strays and pets and also increase the torturous & inhumane prisons of dog meat farms - places where man's best friends are raised for such purposes -- thousands of dogs will suffer, be butchered, beaten to death, skinned alive and eaten.

Please sign right away, because time is ticking for the many, many lives of the dogs about to be butchered for the 2016 Dog Eating Festival, in June.

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