Stop Lobster Zone

  • av: Alyssa Cohen
  • mottagare: Ernie Pappas, President and Director, The Lobster Zone
The Lobster Zone is a game where customers pay two bucks to use a crane and claw to catch a lobster, similar to carnival games where a toy is caught. However, in this game it is a living creature, that is then boiled alive. Stop lobster zone and help stop some of the inhumane treatment towards lobsters before their death.

The Lobster Zone- "You catch 'em, we cook 'em!"  This is the slogan seen  The Lobster Zone is a 'game' in which customers pay two dollars to attempt to catch a lobster with a metal claw for their meal.  It is similar to carnival games used to grab a stuffed animal or toy, but this time it is a living, breathing creature that has feelings and can feel pain.  The 'game' is supposed to be entertaining, although I am sure the lobsters do not feel that way about it.  It must be stopped at once.

After caught, the lobster is boiled alive, still able to feel terrific pain.

Many people do not think lobsters are worth fighting for- that they are giant bugs.  But if we do not fight the Lobster Zone, we are moving a step away from a humane world, instead of toward it.  Who knows what will be next!  Chicken Zone?  Cow Zone?  Dog Zone?!  We must take action now! 

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