Save The Iconic Appalachian Trail. Stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline!

The Mountain Valley Pipeline is set to carry high-pressure fracked gas across the iconic Appalachian Trail, the Blue Ridge Parkway, and the Jefferson National Forest.

From explosions to landslides, to slashing through our wild forests and ruining backcountry hikes, this pipeline could bring unprecedented changes to our Appalachian wildlands.

These lands allow people to enjoy the great outdoors and sustain our way of life. They are a haven for wildlife and people and provide us with clean drinking water, healthy air, and endless recreation opportunities.

The pipeline developer has failed to demonstrate that the proposed pipeline cannot be built on non-Forest Service lands. A private company cannot exploit our public lands just because it is cheaper or easier than another pipeline route.

As a steward of these lands, the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) must not allow the Mountain Valley Pipeline to move forward. It's up to us to demand the USFS protect and preserve these special places – ensuring that their beauty and priceless cultural heritage can be shared and enjoyed today, tomorrow and for centuries to come.

Sign the petition today and demand the USFS protect the Appalachian Trail, our public lands, and priceless cultural heritage from the Mountain Valley Pipeline.
Subject: Protect the Appalachian Trail

I am writing to ask you to reject authorization of use of Forest Service lands by the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP). The pipeline threatens the Appalachian Trail and our national forests that are a haven for wildlife and people like me. Forests provide us with clean drinking water, healthy air and endless recreation opportunities.

Many of the issues and threats to our public lands come from those who would seek to develop our wild places, rather than save it for our children. These lands allow people to enjoy the great outdoors and sustain our way of life.

As a steward of these lands, the U.S. Forest Service must not allow the Mountain Valley Pipeline to move forward. The pipeline developer has failed to demonstrate that the proposed pipeline cannot be built on non-Forest Service lands.

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