Protect Bees from Toxic Pesticides and Save Our Food Supply
An astonishing 33 percent of honeybee colonies collapsed between April 2016 and March 2017 in large part due to the skyrocketing use of toxic neonicotinoid "neonic" pesticides.
But we depend on bees to pollinate many of our leading crops—from apples and blueberries to watermelon and zucchini.
We can't afford to lose more bees — not when one in every three bites of food we take depends on them.
Tell EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to impose a moratorium on the bee-killing uses of neonics and commit to protecting pollinators and our food supply.
Dear Administrator Pruitt,
I am calling on you to impose an immediate ban on all uses of neonic pesticides that pose a risk to bees and other pollinators. Many scientific studies have linked this class of pesticides to the devastating decline in bee populations across the country.
Bees support a wealth of natural ecosystems, and we rely on them to pollinate many of our leading crops. We can't afford to lose more bees -- not when one in every three bites of food we take depends on them.
You have an obligation to uphold the mission of the EPA by doing what's best for bees and people -- not what's most profitable for agrochemical companies.
[Your comments]
I urge you to commit to protecting pollinators and our food supply immediately.
Yours sincerely,
[Your name]
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