Health Care is a Right, Not a Privilege

In the world's wealthiest nation, it's unconscionable that people are turned away from health care coverage because of a pre-existing condition and that families are just one illness away from bankruptcy!

Opening up a not-for-profit public health plan like a "Medicare for all" to all Americans will ensure that every American has access to quality, affordable health care regardless of his or her income.

Health care is a right and every American deserves affordable, high-quality coverage. Urge your Senators to support real health care reform that includes a not-for-profit public option.

I am writing today to strongly urge you to support health care reform that includes a not-for-profit public option. As you are well aware, the United States health care system is in desperate need of repair.

[Your comment will be inserted here]

After years of inaction, health care costs have skyrocketed and the problem is worse than ever. Today, the cost of health care is the most significant financial burden that most U.S. families and small businesses fact. Even worse, more than 47 million Americans remain uninsured.

Quality, affordable health care should be a right for every citizen, not a privilege, and I believe that creating a not-for-profit public health system to compete with the private health insurance system is the only way to address America's health care crisis.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my comments. I eagerly await your response.
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