Tell Congress: Save Our Environmental Protections!
Donald Trump, corporate polluters, and their allies in Congress want to pass a new bill that would make it much harder to enact new environmental protections for our air, water and health. While it's called the Regulatory Accountability Act, they got the name wrong. It should be called the "Risk to Americans Act" — because it's just another attack by President Trump and corporate polluter allies in Congress that will make it easier for corporate polluters to block new health and safety standards and to dodge responsibility for the environmental damage they cause.
We can't trust big polluters to police themselves. Take action with the NRDC Action Fund, and tell your senators to protect our environmental safeguards by opposing this dangerous bill.
Subject line: Oppose the Regulatory Accountability Act
As an NRDC Action Fund supporter and your constituent, I urge you to oppose the so-called Regulatory Accountability Act. This bill creates another way for polluting corporations to block new health and safety standards, and dodge responsibility for the environmental damage they cause.
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This bill would change the rules to make it easier for polluters to block any new safeguards.
The result would be more pollution, more illness and disease and more hardship for everyday Americans. Nobody should be getting salmonella from a tainted jar of peanut butter, or listeria from an unscreened carton of milk, or cancer from exposure to known carcinogens like asbestos. But those are the threats we face if the this legislation passes into law. Please vote against this dangerous bill.
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