Stop China's Crackdown on Tibet

  • av: Care2
  • mottagare: The United Nations and Olympic Games Officials
Violence against protesters, monks and civilians in Tibet is quickly escalating as the deadly crackdown continues.

Only a few months away from the Beijing Summer Olympics, the Chinese government's violent attacks have already caused the death of around 100 people, while hundreds continue to be shot at, beat up and detained by China's security forces.

The atrocities committed to control these protests are a reminder of China's record of human rights abuses. The protests won't undermine the Olympics in China, but the brutal repression and use of force against the people of Tibet will.

We need you to sign this petition to the Olympic Games Officials and the United Nations to make sure help is on the way for the people of Tibet.

To: Louise Arbour, High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), United Nations
Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee
Lassana Palenfo, Intendant General, Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa
Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah, President of the Olympic Council of Asia
Patrick Joseph Hickey, President of the European Olympic Committees
Richard Kevan Gosper A.O., President of the Oceania National Olympic Committees

Dear Human Rights Commissioner and Olympic Games Officials:

We are outraged by the abuse of power displayed by the Chinese government to suppress the protests in Tibet.

Violence against protesters, monks and civilians in Tibet is quickly escalating as the deadly crackdown continues. Only a few months away from the Beijing Summer Olympics, the Chinese government's violent attacks have already caused the death of around 100 people, while hundreds continue to be shot at, beat up and detained by China's security forces.

We demand that you urge China to end the crackdown immediately. The protesters grievances should not be addressed through the use of force but with an open and peaceful dialogue. Freedom of expression is a basic human right that should be respected and not punished with violence.

In addition, the UN should visit Tibet as soon as possible to carry out an investigation into the security forces' attacks and make the findings from that investigation public.

We can't remain silent while these abuses are taking place. We urge you to speak up and take urgent steps to end the crackdown and protect the people of Tibet.

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