End Workplace Bullying -- A Public Epidemic

  • av: Care2
  • mottagare: State Governors
Fifty-four million Americans report being bullied at work -- that's 37 percent of the workforce.

Workplace bullying is a public epidemic that is easily overlooked. It can include verbal abuse, offensive behaviors that are intimidating or humiliating, and sabotage that interferes with work. But it's not as easy to detect or rectify as bullying on the playground, especially when the bully holds a lot of power in the workplace and the victim's job may be at stake.

The recession also makes it harder to find a new job when bullying gets out of hand. And working with a bully in the office can be very taxing. Bullying is a form of psychological violence that can cause stress, depression and even suicide.

We cannot let this continue to affect hard-working and dedicated employees. Show your support and encourage your Governor to enact legislation that will protect employees from bullying in the workplace.
Dear Governor [Name],

Fifty-four million Americans report being bullied at work -- that's 37 percent of the workforce.

Workplace bullying is a public epidemic that is easily overlooked. It can include verbal abuse, offensive behaviors that are intimidating or humiliating, and sabotage that interferes with work.

The recession makes it harder to find a new job when bullying gets out of hand. And working with a bully in the office can be very taxing. Bullying is a form of psychological violence that can cause stress, depression and even suicide.

[Your comments will be inserted here]

I fully encourage you to enact legislation in our state that will protect employees from bullying in the workplace.
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