"Wildlife services" of the NFS kills large numbers of animals thought to prey o domesticated animals. Using snares, traps, cyanide, fixed wing or helicopter, shoring from above, spotlights and night vision

  • av: Teresa Smith-keil
  • mottagare: Wildlife services of the forest service. Predator Research Facility in Millville, Utah

These animals have a right to live and to occupy in these smaller and smaller areas in which they can live. Has anyone done a cost analysis to see if paying for all this killings that it may be cheaper to just reimbursing the rancher for the lost livestock. See article in High Country News, volume48, #1 In 2015: 580 bears, 61,702 coyotes, 2780 red & gray foxes, 305 mountain lions and 322 wolves were killed by this wildlife services organization of the National forest service. There should be better ways to protect livestock than killing our wildlife.'

For more information please read the article in High Country news, Vol. 48, # 1

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