Make June Cancer Survivors Month

Cancer touches everyone: our family, our friends, our coworkers. One in three people will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime.

After decades of research, after more than $200 billion spent by the cancer industry, we still don't have the treatments we need to conquer this devastating disease. We simply can't wait for someone else to do something about it.

On behalf of the millions living with cancer, join The Gateway for Cancer ResearchSM in demanding action and answers NOW.

Start by signing our petition to make June Cancer Survivors Month. By creating a month-long tribute to those living with cancer, we'll raise awareness and funding for vital research for ALL types of cancer so that we can find treatments and cures for everyone touched by this devastating disease -- and so more people can be survivors.
Dear [Congressperson],

Every day 1,500 people -- mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and friends -- die of cancer. One in three people will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime. No race, age or gender is spared.

After decades of research, after more than $200 billion spent by the cancer industry, we still don't have the treatments we need to conquer this devastating disease. Every minute that passes without effective cures is a devastating loss to cancer patients and those who love them.

I am writing to urge you to make June Cancer Survivors Month. By creating a month-long tribute to those living with cancer, we'll raise awareness and funding for vital research for ALL types of cancer, including cancers that are rare, understudied or underfunded so that we can find treatments and cures for everyone touched by this devastating disease -- and so more people can be survivors.

Thank you.
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