Anti-Fox Hunting

Ban fox hunting now!
A ban of fox hunting should be applied immediately. Why you ask? Well because it is cruel. You may say the Foxes are pests but. They are not and I can prove it with the summaries of these environmental reports;

Foxes are not a threat –

The evidence:

Here is a summary of a few of the many research studies carried out on foxes:

"The lamb carcasses at fox dens are mainly carrion, i.e. a lamb already dead when taken by the fox."
Notes from the Mammal Society, No. 50, 1985, pp 291-296.

"A study of lambing in upland areas showed that lamb losses were unaffected by the presence of foxes."
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food report, 1985.

"On the Scottish island of Mull, there are not foxes, yet lamb production is no better than in comparable areas where there are foxes."
Journal of Applied Ecology, 1984, pp 843-868.

Why continue such a vicious and bloody activity when all it brings is suffering? Ban it now and don't let the pain continue anymore.
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