Protect Wisconsin Lives: Demand Action on Gun Violence Prevention Now!

Gun violence devastates. It impacts not only those directly affected but also ripples through our communities. It erodes our sense of safety and hinders our collective ability to thrive. That's why the urgency to prevent gun violence in Wisconsin is so clear. 

Over the next two years, our gains on progressive issues will happen at the state level - and thanks to new, fairer maps, 2025 will offer the best opportunity for progress that our state has seen in over a decade. 

Join WAVE now, and, together, we'll demand that Wisconsin legislators prioritize gun violence prevention. Like us, the vast majority of Wisconsinites want stronger gun laws that put the safety of our children, our neighbors, and our communities far above the interests of the gun industry.

As the new session begins, legislators must honor the will of the people and make lifesaving gun violence prevention laws their top priority. With gun violence being the leading cause of death for our children and teenagers, no other issue is more urgent. Let's work together to get that message -- loud and clear -- to lawmakers: Take action now!

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