Sign the pledge to protect captive wild animals

Animals used for public handling are typically pulled from their mothers shortly after birth to be hand-raised, a practice that denies newborns critical maternal care. Premature maternal separation causes considerable anxiety to fiercely protective mothers who experience a sense of loss after their infants are removed. And infant animals with weak immune systems are subjected to stress, neglect, and mistreatment associated with public handling.

The misguided demand for close encounters with wild animals fuels an industry that decimates and harasses wildlife across the U.S. and around the world. These activities may be promoted as immersion exhibits, close encounters, interactive exhibits, ambassador animal experiences, meet and greets, or simply opportunities to feed, pet, hold, play with, ride, or swim with various types of wild animals. The despicable practice of cub petting was banned with the 2022 passage of the Big Cat Public Safety Act. But the practice of close encounters with many species of wild animals, such as lemurs and other primates, sloths, kangaroos, wallabies, otters, and capybaras are equally detrimental to animal welfare.

Add your name and pledge to avoid attractions that offer interactions with wild animals!
I pledge to avoid attractions that offer close encounters with wild animals, such as lemurs, sloths, otters, and kangaroos. The misguided demand for interactions with wild animals is fueling an industry that decimates and harasses wildlife across the U.S. and around the world. Animals used for public handling are subjected to stress, neglect, and mistreatment, and I refuse to participate in this cruelty or to "like" or share images on social media that show people interacting with wild animals!
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