Support the Healthy Farms, Foods and Fuels Act

Nearly half the land in America is working land—farms and ranches – and finally, a bill to help these farmers protect and conserve their land and our natural resources is on the table.

Each year, three out of four farmers who apply for conservation funding for their working lands are turned down. The Healthy Farms, Food and Fuels Act of 2006, will adequately provide farmers with incentives to better conserve natural resources and protect water quality. Urge your rep to support it!

If the Bill passes, farmers would be financially encouraged to be active land stewards: to keep water cleaner and use less of it, to boost renewable energy use, and to provide better wildlife habitat on their land. Communities would also benefit through better access to locally grown foods.

The only question is: Why haven’t we passed this bill sooner?? Sign this petition to get the Healthy Farms Bill rolling today!
Please support the Healthy Farms, Food and Fuels Act of 2006.

Each year, three out of four farmers who apply for conservation funding for their working lands are turned down. It is time to adequately provide farmers with incentives to conserve our natural resources and protect our water quality.

In addition, communities and farmers alike will benefit from better access to locally grown foods.

Thank you for considering my comments.
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