Conspiracy to Deprive Citizens of Civil Rights by Police Officer

  • av: Kyle Quandel
  • mottagare: Patrick Meehan, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of
Undertake perusing federal criminal charges against officers responsible for teen’s death.
In the case of eighteen year old Marcus Wayman, (Sterling v. Minersville Police & Borough 1998), Marcus was denied his Constitutional 4th (search & seizure) and 14th (privacy) Amendments right by Minersville, PA police.

An illegal search revealed there were packages of two condoms. Being harassed and questioned over carrying condoms, Marcus was taken into custody by one Officer Scott Willinksy of the Minersville Police Department.

Once at the Police Station, Marcus was continually harassed. Officers used improper “scare” tactics and used such derogatory names such as “queer” and “fag” to try to coerce him into admitting that he was homosexual.

Marcus was escorted home by the police, however, while leaving the Police Station, Officer Willinsky informed Marcus that he would literally “out” him as gay to the rural community of 5,000 citizens and his family.

Several hours later, Marcus took a gun to his head, and committed suicide.

We, the undersigned, call upon you to exercise your powers to the fullest extent to bring officers responsible to justice and implement policies of diversity within our communities.

Clear violations of our beloved Constitutional rights we, this is an issue of privacy and police going too far … driving our youth to suicide and disturbing, terrorizing our youth.

Given the above facts, we, the undersigned of the international community call upon you and specifically direct your office to undertake the immediate prosecution of the police officer, Scott Willinsky, on federal criminal charges and a civil action for "Conspiracy to Deprive of Civil Rights" under title 42 of the United States Code.

As taxpaying citizens to the United States and as passionate individuals committed to justice, tolerance and individuals’ right to privacy, protected under our Constitutional rights, we call upon you to decry the events leading to Marcus Wayman’s suicide.

We ask that you hold the responsible parties responsible for such actions and urge you to use the fullest extent of your offices to pursue such action at once.
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