All forms of animal abuse are wrong, but sexual violation of a defenseless animal is particularly heinous and violates the moral code of a civilized and decent society.
If convicted, we ask that the honorable Superior Court Judge of the State of California presiding over CASE No. NA09749201 impose the maximum sentence & penalties on Christopher Caceres, 22, of San Pedro, CA, for his actions caught on video surveillance in Nov. 2013: the sexual assault, apparent drugging, and repeated raping of his neighbor's dog for hours.
Links to news stories & LAPD Press Release regarding this case as of 12/5/2013:
November 16, 2013 -
November 18, 2013 - Daily Breeze
November 19, 2013 - KCRA
November 21, 2013 - My
December 3, 2013 - Los Angeles Police Department Press Release:
December 4, 2013 - Los Angeles Times,0,966982.story#axzz2mYg7Lr8I
Uppdatera #311 år sedan
We set out for a goal of 10,000 signatures. With only 30 more, we will have hit 12,000!
Uppdatera #211 år sedan
We have collected more than 11,400 signatures in just over one week and ask the Judge overseeing this case to impose the *MAXIMUM* sentence to the 22-year old Dog Rapist who was caught on video drugging the dog, pinning her down, then raping her for 2+ hours. The DA's office is aware of this petition and we have made arrangements to send it to them just prior to The Dog Rapist's next court date on 01/13/2014.
Uppdatera #111 år sedan
We added a link to the latest media report:
Thank you for your support! we are 8,300 strong!