Call on ABC News to give full and fair coverage to Kucinich, Moseley Braun and Sharpton

ABC News had a reporter assigned to each of the presidential campaigns. They have now pulled their reporters from the campaigns of Dennis Kucinich, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton. ABC must give coverage to ALL candidates for the Democratic nomination.
We, the undersigned, demand that ABC News give up its attempt at king making. Although Dennis Kucinich, Carol Moseley Braun and Al Sharpton may now be trailing in most polls, they are valid candidates for the Democratic nomination and eventually the Presidency. Their voices deserve to be heard. As a news organization, the real responsibility of ABC News is to present a “fair and balanced” picture of the world as it is. Your organization has no right, morally or legally, to filter the news to shape it as you would like it to be.

Followers of these three candidates, as well as others who may become followers in the future, deserve to hear what is happening with them. The fact that they have not raised multi-millions of dollars or risen to the top spot in your polling does not mean they are not viable candidates. There are polls that show all three doing better than other polls show, just as there are polls that show one candidate as a leader in one state and a different candidate as a leader in another.

We, the people of the United States, insist that ABC News and all other media give us the news as it is. Let the American people decide, in their caucuses and primaries, which candidates they want to continue to the Democratic convention. Do not shut any of them out. Democracy demands that.
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