Oregon Zoo Was Just Rated the Worst Zoo in the U.S for Elephants

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: United States Department of Agriculture's Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS)
The Oregon Zoo boasts that it recently expanded its elephant habitat, but the organization In Defense of Animals found that the elephants held in captivity there still show tragic, repetitive behaviors.

In particular, Chendra, a beloved elephant there, shows signs of stress, boredom, and even brain-damage. Other elephants, like Rose-Tu and Shine, pace miserably back and forth. Clearly, having a slightly bigger space for elephants - which is still not even close to the habitat they'd be occupying in the wild - does not prevent isolation or aggression. And clearly the elephants at Oregon Zoo are still suffering tremendously.

These persistent conditions are exactly why In Defense of Animals named the Oregon Zoo the number one worst zoo for elephants in the country. It's time the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) did something about it.

Sign now to tell the USDA's APHIS to investigate the Oregon Zoo and move all of the elephants there to sanctuaries or rescue facilities!

Elephants are brilliant, social, animals that develop complex relationships with one another, grieve, and remember. Study after study has proven that elephants need the space of their full habitats to roam and feel fulfilled and safe. In fact, elephants do poorly in all zoos. So the fact that the Oregon Zoo was given the title of "worst of all" for elephants is even more alarming.

The Oregon Zoo should not be allowed to keep elephants in captivity any longer. Sign now to tell USDA's Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to investigate the horrific conditions for elephants at the Oregon Zoo. It must also and move all of the sweet animals away from there, to rescue facilities or sanctuaries!
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