Urge KFC to help end the suffering

Sixty billion meat chickens are raised for global consumption each year. Forty billion live miserable, six-week-long lives in cramped and overcrowded sheds.

We believe it's time for this to end. We want to see slower-growing birds with more space, natural light and more opportunities to behave like chickens. We're asking KFC to lead this change. Please join us.

From the very start of their life, tens of thousands of chicks are confined to heavily crowded sheds with little or no natural light. As they grow, there are few opportunities to explore, perch, dustbathe, or do many of the things they would naturally do.

Soaked with ammonia-rich droppings, wet and dirty litter stops chickens from scratching or dustbathing. It causes painful wounds on their feet, legs and breasts and releases harsh fumes that can cause lung and eye problems. Keeping chickens in such close confinement also means that disease can spread rapidly.

As one of the world's largest retailers of chicken meat, we want KFC to commit to improving the lives of millions of chickens by meeting our minimum welfare criteria. This means slower-growing birds with more space, natural light and the opportunities to behave like chickens.

Act now. Please sign our petition to urge KFC to help end the suffering of factory farmed chickens.

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