The Welsh Government Is Considering Giving A Greyhound Racing Track a License. The ‘Sport’ Should Be Banned Altogether!

In 2020 alone, over 3,500 greyhounds were injured on licensed tracks in Great Britain. 200 poor dogs even died on these tracks. So why is the Welsh government pretending that licensure might make tracks safer, and still considering granting a license to a racetrack in Caerphilly? 

Sign now to demand that the Welsh government say no to abusive greyhound racing!

A growing wave of resistance to this brutal and violent 'sport' has emerged in recent years. Thousands of local residents and citizens in the broader U.K. oppose the Greyhound racing track, and support for racing overall has steadily declined in recent years. That is because it is increasingly difficult to deny the conditions that these poor dogs are forced to race in, and the enormous pressure put on the animals to win.

Crucially, as many animal rights groups have pointed out, licensing doesn't make the sport safer. In fact, in places where greyhound racetracks are formally licensed, welfare concerns, injuries, and abuse do not disappear. Clearly, if thousands of dogs are getting injured or dying on licensed tracks, the racing itself is the problem.

We must continue to be the voice for animals in Great Britain and put pressure on the Welsh government to do what is right and what will protect hundreds of innocent animals. We must stand in solidarity with community members and animal welfare advocates! Sign the petition now to push the government of Wales to deny this racetrack a permit, and ban racing altogether!
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