Animal Abuser Anthony Kidd Needs Major Jail Time and Should Never be Allowed To be around another Animal.

  • av: Gloria Donn
  • mottagare: Ed Brodsky State Attorney 12th Judicial Circuit Manatee County Florida

Bradenton man charged with torturing dog

The dog was brought into a local vet with a broken tooth, a bloody nose and a bleeding and swollen eye. Provided photo The dog was brought into a local vet with a broken tooth, a bloody nose and a bleeding and swollen eye. Provided photo The dog was brought into a local vet with a broken tooth, a bloody nose and a bleeding and swollen eye. Provided photo The dog was brought into a local vet with a broken tooth, a bloody nose and a bleeding and swollen eye. Provided photo The dog was brought into a local vet with a broken tooth, a bloody nose and a bleeding and swollen eye. Provided photo
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The dog was brought into a local vet with a broken tooth, a bloody nose and a bleeding and swollen eye. Provided photo
Herald Staff Report
BRADENTON -- Police have arrested a 22-year-old after a dog was found Sunday with a broken tooth, a bloody nose and a swollen and bleeding eye, according to the Bradenton Police Department.

Police received a call from a local veterinarian that a dog brought in for treatment had injuries consistent with abuse, according to a release.

Support My Plea that this animal abuser gets handed the book! What he did to this dog is SICK!
Kidd is charged with torturing an animal with intent, which is a third-degree felony.
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