Xenosaga MUST continu

Hello friends XenosagaLovers ...
After finishing Xenosaga Episode III, and realizing that it was actually the last game in the series; we must say that this Series is definetly one of the most deep, epic and awesome ever created and that it contains a story that few people can resist.

With Xenosaga Episode III, Monolith and Namco-Bandai managed to return the game to its former glory, and give an awesome experience to every player, specially those who bought the other games in the series too.

Being sad to see one of the greatest series ever made end here, we ask Namco-Bandai Games, Publisher; and Monolith Software, Developer, to please continue the story they began, to expand it to its fullest so we can understand and know all the pieces that are missing and to continue this awesome series of games to help it become even bigger.

If you want to show your support for the series, then please make sure of the following:

-You own all 3 Xenosaga games or will buy them for sure.
-You commit yourself to buy the next "Xeno" game in the series if made.

Thanks to Namco-Bandai Games and Monolith Software for making such an awesome series of games, and please hear us, the Fans that have bought and learned to love this series so much. All we ask for is to continue this amazing saga.
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