Help us create more resources for women with ADHD and dyslexia

Women and girls have ADHD and dyslexia, too.

But girls often have their symptoms overlooked. They're told to try harder. To stop being lazy. Women who remain undiagnosed often blame themselves when things aren't working out for them.

At Understood, we believe that everyone deserves to get a correct diagnosis. They deserve the support they need to thrive. That's true no matter their gender or age. is the leading nonprofit empowering the 70 million people with learning and thinking differences in the United States. Our free resources — podcasts, expert vetted articles, and behavioral health exercises — give people the tools they need to thrive. And help them understand that they're not alone.

Sign today and help us support women who have learning disabilities or ADHD, giving them the tools they need to thrive in life, health, and the workplace!
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