Killing the Canadian Geese on the Bronx River Parkway and Sprain because frequented the Golf Course

  • av: Doreen Nespolini
  • mottagare:

To cease the abuse and death of innocent animals for people's selfish motives.

Canadian Geese in Westchester (Yonkers, NY) were frequenting the roadside, which were inaccessible to people. Oh they belong in the air and have wings. A freak of nature. The officials were sneaky and underhanded as usual. Some affuent golfer complained regarding feces on the lawn. Incidentally, golf is played in the open air in the wild. The utter gaul and audacity of taking tax payers funds without a vote to annilate 500 Canadian Geese. The peaceful creatures were a pleasure to see daily on the Bronx River Parkway heading North. There  was a hydrid Swan I loved to see among them watching over his family. Officials like: County Executive Robert Astorino and Kathleen O'Connor as well the Board of Legislators are a farce.  
Did we not have enough graft with the Park Ridge fiasco? The taxpayers land was a home for Yonkers, New York Deer of which now are constantly left for dead on the Sprain Parkway South bound. The taxpayers are the ones to decide such delicate issues, NOT YOU !!!!!!

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