Sign on to show your support for working Arizona families struggling with medical debt from predatory debt collectors.

Proposition 209, an initiative that protects hardworking Arizona families with medical debt from predatory debt collectors, was passed by 72% of voters. A month later, the same debt collectors that trap families in a cycle of never-ending debt are trying to stop this grounding-breaking law from going into effect with a bogus lawsuit. Sign this petition to say you stand with the 1.7 million Arizonans who voted YES on Prop 209.

Proposition 209 is common sense consumer protections that limit what predatory collectors are able to seize as a result of outstanding medical debt. It protects hard-working Arizonans' homes, cars, and paychecks. Arizona voters have already said yes to Proposition 209, but the Arizona Creditors Bar Association is trying to overturn the will of the people with a phony lawsuit.

Sign the petition today to tell debt collectors to give it a rest and accept the will of the people.
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