Help Obama Pass Immigration Reform

American's immigration system is broken and desperately needs reform.

President Obama said he supports a four-pillared famework for comprehensive immigration reform put forward by Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC). This bi-partisan plan is the first step toward writing legislation that is truly fair to families, workers and our communities.

It's time for congress to take on immigration reform -- and President Obama knows that supporting the Schumer-Graham framework is an important move toward fixing our broken immigration system in 2010.

Please write your lawmakers in Washington and urge them to support the Schumer-Graham plan for immigration reform.
Dear [lawmaker],

We're counting on you to do what's right: please support the Schumer-Graham framework for immigration reform.

[Your comment inserted here.]

The plan would ensure that undocumented immigrants could work toward citizenship, crack down on bad actor employers, and create a flexible legal immigration system so that future immigration is controlled and orderly.

I urge you to please support the Schumer-Graham plan. I believe it will put us on a path toward reform legislation that is truly fair to families, workers and our communities. America's economic future is at stake.
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