Every Year, Shelters Are Overwhelmed With Baby Bunnies, Ducklings, and Chicks That People Dump Once Easter is Over

Bunnies, ducklings, and chicks have long been symbols of new life in the spring. When those symbols were adopted by those celebrating the Easter holiday, they showed up everywhere – think decorations, Easter egg hunts, and photos with the Easter bunny. But there's one more, deceptively tragic place that these tiny baby animals pop up – in the gift baskets of children. Bunnies, chicks, and ducklings that are purchased around Easter are almost always abandoned when the holiday is over and the reality of caring for an adult animal kicks in, leaving shelters overwhelmed and euthanasia rates high.

Sign the petition to pledge not to buy chicks, bunnies, or ducklings for Easter this year!

These sweet, soft creatures are nearly irresistible – tiny enough to fit in the palm of your hand and mild-mannered to boot. But no living thing remains a baby forever. Domestic ducks, chickens, and rabbits can all live up to 10 years, sometimes even longer. But the impulsive, selfish decision to buy a chick, duckling, or bunny for Easter almost never factors that in – making the months after Easter heartbreaking.

Chicken, ducks, and rabbits that end up in shelters are part of a wave of animals that non-profit shelters drown in every year, desperately trying to get every one the care it needs. Worse yet, many purchased Easter animals are abandoned in the wild – but domestic pets are ill-equipped to survive against predators and starvation, and can spread parasites or diseases to wild populations.

On average, 80% of rabbits bought at Easter time are abandoned or die within a year. They are also the third most euthanized animal in the U.S. According to one duck sanctuary in Southern California, 90% of domestic duck purchases are impulsive. These numbers are incredibly distressing – and avoidable. If we treated all animal purchases with the same gravity as the adoption of a cat or dog, we could go a long way in improving animal welfare and avoiding unnecessary mass death and suffering. Bunnies, ducklings, and chicks that are bought as props and then carelessly disposed of are hardly a symbol of life. 

Sign the petition and pledge not to buy duckling, chicks, or bunnies this Easter!

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