Hunger Action Month: Tell Congress to pass a strong farm bill!

This month, we're telling Congress that NOW is the time to help end hunger. The farm bill is the largest piece of federal legislation on food and farming.

To end hunger in America, we all have to do our part, including our elected officials in Congress. Add your voice: Tell Congress to address the hunger crisis by passing a strong farm bill.

Help us reach our bold Hunger Action Month goal. Send a message today!
Help end hunger: Pass a strong farm bill!

Dear [Decision Maker],

More than 44 million people, including 1 in 5 children, face hunger in America.

Food insecurity exists in every county across the country, and our neighbors facing hunger are counting on food assistance to help keep nutritious meals on the table.

Critical federal programs like The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) help our neighbors facing hard times get the food we all need to thrive.

You have the power to ensure these essential programs can adequately meet the hunger crisis. As a Feeding America supporter, I urge you to prioritize addressing food insecurity by passing a strong farm bill that:

- Reauthorizes and doubles the annual mandatory funding for TEFAP food purchases.
- Reauthorizes and increases to $200 million the annual discretionary funding for TEFAP storage and distribution.
- Ensures SNAP's purchasing power remains strong so that benefits align with rising grocery prices and provide adequate support during tough economic times.
- Streamlines SNAP eligibility and enrollment processes to improve access.
- Protects SNAP participants' food options, honoring the unique dietary requirements--including cultural considerations and medical needs--of every family.

No person should have to face hunger, especially in a country where food is abundant. Now is the time to show your commitment to ending hunger.

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