STOP THE BIG SPRAWL! 14,000 acres of Peel Region and Hamilton’s farmlands and forests could be destroyed

Southern Ontario is losing its prime farmland and natural areas at a dangerous rate. If we don't act now 14000 acres of precious remaining green space around Peel and Hamilton could be swallowed up by sprawl.

Right now, the Ontario government is using the cover of the pandemic to hand sprawl developers a huge swath of the precious green space we have left in one massive giveaway - and Peel and Hamilton are squarely in the crosshairs. The province is forcing Peel Region and Hamilton City Council to lock in 30 more years of car-dependent sprawl on farmland and natural areas, denying newcomers and future generations access to vibrant, walkable, transit-oriented neighborhoods.

This is undemocratic, anti-environment, and designed to line the pockets of the worst kind of sprawl developer and land speculator. And it paves the way to start opening up the Greenbelt to developers too.

Southern Ontario has some of the province's most productive farmland, diverse wildlife habitats and precious natural wetlands and forests — places that are worth protecting. Take action today and sign the petition to STOP THE BIG SPRAWL and PROTECT Ontario's forests, farmland and wetlands.
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