Stop Trump’s Global Gag Rule - An Attack on Women Everywhere

  • av: PAI
  • mottagare: President Trump

On January 23, President Trump imposed the Global Gag Rule, an inhumane policy that will undermine women's rights, damage health systems and increase unintended pregnancies, unsafe abortions, and maternal and newborn deaths around the world. Trump's Global Gag Rule is an export of domestic anti-woman tactics that will not only severely restrict access to abortion, but will result in health care providers being forced to cut services, increase fees, and even close clinics altogether.

Trump's Global Gag Rule prohibits foreign NGOs receiving US family planning assistance from providing legal abortion services and even information about or referrals for these services with their own, non-US funds.

Among his first actions since taking office, Trump's Global Gag Rule will reverse decades of progress on health—just the beginning of the Trump-Pence administration's agenda to punish all women no matter where they live.

Tell President Trump that you stand with millions of women and their families in the global South and oppose this attack on access to critical health services they need to survive.

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