Institute Review of 14 Cases Where Rape Victims Were Blamed

  • av: Care2
  • mottagare: Great Britain's Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority
In the past year, a Great Britain government office considered 15 rape victims to be partially responsible for the assault because they had been drinking alcohol. These 15 victims' standard Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) payout of £11,000 was reduced by up to 25 percent because they had consumed alcohol prior to being raped.

One victim, Helen, told London newspaper The Guardian that "I felt like I was being punished . . . It was like going back to the '70s, saying 'she was asking for it.'"

Blaming the victim in rape cases is unacceptable. Although the CICA has since reversed its decision in Helen's case because she challenged the decision legally, the agency is refusing to open the other 14 cases for review unless the victims in question ask for it. But challenges must be brought within 90 days, meaning many of the women's opportunities to do so have already passed.

Tell the CICA: Take responsibility for your initial mistake and open the other 14 cases for review!

For more information, see article in The Guardian.
Dear CICA,

I was dismayed to read the recent articles in The Guardian about victims of rape receiving lower compensation because they had consumed alcohol prior to the assault. Although I am glad that you agreed to restore full compensation to the victim who brought the legal challenge, it is imperative that you also review the cases of the 14 other women who also received lower compensation, even if the women do not ask for it themselves.

The consumption of alcohol does not mean that these women were asking to be raped, and they are not the responsible for the crime of which they were victims. By refusing to review their cases, however, you are telling women around the world that they take partial blame for being assaulted.

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Please review the 14 other cases as a matter of fairness, justice and decency.
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