Tell Google to Stop Letting Climate Deniers Profit from Disinformation

In June 2024, Google took an important step by demonetizing the Heartland Institute, a major source of climate disinformation on YouTube. However, the Union of Concerned Scientists recently discovered that Google is still allowing climate disinformation to be monetized through ads on YouTube.

Climate deniers should not profit from spreading falsehoods on one of the world's most popular platforms. Sign the petition to tell Google it's time to fully enforce its climate disinformation policy.

Your voice is critical to ensure Google upholds its commitment to climate truth. We'll be partnering with other groups working on climate disinformation to gather as many voices as possible to ensure Google hears our message. Let's make sure climate science is protected and disinformation is not rewarded.

The Union of Concerned Scientists and our partners will deliver this petition to Google in September 2024.

Signera petitionen
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