Help America Declare Energy Independence

Americans are more reliant on oil from unstable Middle Eastern nations, gas prices are rising, and in the meantime, oil companies are raking in record multi-billion dollar profits.

We must address this energy crisis now.

That's why Sen. Evan Bayh has introduced the Vehicle and Fuel Choices for American Security Act to increase the use of alternative fuels and cut our dependence on foreign oil.

Sign the petition below and call on your Senator to support the Vehicle and Fuel Choices for American Security Act.

Dear Senator,

Right now the U.S. is more dependent on oil from unstable Middle Eastern countries than we were on September 11, 2001.

When the U.S. is forced to seek oil from countries hostile to ours, it creates a major threat to our national security!

But we know a solution already exists – one that would have the additional benefit of creating jobs here in America: increase the use of alternative fuels. For instance, we can mix gas with ethanol, a fuel derived from corn, grasses and cornhusks produced by American farmers.

So, to move America toward greater energy independence, Sen. Evan Bayh has introduced the Vehicle and Fuel Choices for American Security Act. His bill will encourage the use of ethanol and other alternative fuels and reduce our oil consumption dramatically over the next ten years.

[your commment here]

I urge you to support Sen. Evan Bayh's bipartisan Vehicle and Fuel Choices for American Security Act.

It is time to get moving on a solution to this crucial economic and national security problem.


[your name]
[your address]
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