Mayor Betsy Price Refund the 50,000 you took from the Animals at Ft Worth Animal Shelter for showers

  • av: Victoria Ansaldo
  • mottagare: Governor Rick Perry and District Attorney Greg Abbott

Mayor Betsy Price of Ft Worth Tx  used $50,000 that was suppose to go to Fort Worth Animal Shelter to get a HVAC System but instead, gave her employees who cycle, showers. The shelter is in dire need of a HVAC System every single day animals from there are posted with URI's. We demand the animals get the money that was allocated for them . To ensure their health and safety... This money was for the animals not  for  Mayor Price' personal cronies who cycle with her........  

Mayor Betsy Price of Ft Worth Tx  used $50,000 that was suppose to go to Fort Worth Animal Shelter to get a HVAC System but instead, gave her employees who cycle, showers. The shelter is in dire need of a HVAC System every single day animals from there are posted with URI's. We demand the animals get the money that was allocated for them . To ensure their health and safety... This money was for the animals not  for  Mayor Price' personal cronies who cycle with her..

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