Save Australia's Sharks!

  • av: Chris Wolverton
  • mottagare: Australia's Federal Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg

Lethal shark control methods used in Australia could drive some species to extinction.

Shark culls and drum lines (bait traps used to reduce the possibility of shark attacks) could wipe out endangered grey nurse sharks and loggerhead turtles. They could also drive hammerhead sharks and tiger sharks to threatened status.

The Western Australian government admits that drum lines are ineffective in preventing shark attacks, but hundreds of animals were tangled in shark nets between 2015 and 2016. Of these, 86% were threatened, protected, or not targeted by the nets. Four dolphins and nine bottlenose dolphins were killed, along with five threatened grey nurse sharks and dozens of other sharks and turtles.

Please sign the petition to urge Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg to classify shark culls and drum lines as threatening activities, and to encourage more effective and humane solutions like subsidies for personal shark shields.

I am concerned that lethal shark control methods used in Australia could drive some species to extinction.

Shark culls and drum lines (bait traps used to reduce the possibility of shark attacks) could wipe out endangered grey nurse sharks and loggerhead turtles. They could also drive hammerhead sharks and tiger sharks to threatened status.

The Western Australian government admits that drum lines are ineffective in preventing shark attacks, but hundreds of animals were tangled in shark nets between 2015 and 2016. Of these, 86% were threatened, protected, or not targeted by the nets. Four dolphins and nine bottlenose dolphins were killed, along with five threatened grey nurse sharks and dozens of other sharks and turtles.

I respectfully urge you to classify shark culls and drum lines as threatening activities, and to encourage more effective and humane solutions like subsidies for personal shark shields. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

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