Success! Demand Segula be given a lighter sentence and be allowed to stay home, and end ordinance 505.23 right now!

  • av: Donna Matthews
  • mottagare: The Mayor and city council of Garland Heights, Ohio!

GARFIELD HEIGHTS, Ohio-- Nancy Segula lives on Havana Road in Garfield Heights and a couple years ago, the cats started showing up on her back porch.

"It began in 2017 with me feeding stray kitties. I used to have a neighbor that had a couple cats and he moved away so he left them," Segula said. "I would always feed them and care for them because I was worried about them and I'm a cat lover. Once my neighbors got upset about it, they called the animal warden."

She got her first citation in 2017. More followed

"I got a total of four," Segula said.

Her latest citation required her to appear before Magistrate Jeffrey Short last week. He sentenced her to 10 days in the Cuyahoga County Jail.

"I couldn't believe what my mother was telling me. She gets 10 days in the county jail, I couldn't believe it," said Dave Pawlowski, her son son. "I'm sure people hear about the things that happen downtown in that jail. And they are going to let my 79-year-old mother go there?"

In Garfield Heights, it is illegal to feed stray dogs and cats under ordinance 505.23. However, Segula doesn't feel the punishment fits the crime. Tell the Mayor and City Council to abolish ordinance 505.23 and let Segula go home! She does not belong in jail!

Uppdatera #15 år sedan
This petition has been successful. She did not go to jail, but now you need to call and ask the city council and the mayor to end the ordinance that people can not feed cats!
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