China: Protect ALL of Your Wildlife Before It's Too Late

  • av: Jessica Ramos
  • mottagare: President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping

China is doing everything it can to save the endangered giant pant. But the World Wildlife Fund's latest 2015 Living Planet Report shows that China needs to do more to protect all of its wildlife. The report found that China's "population of terrestrial vertebrates – including mammals, amphibians, birds, reptiles – has fallen by nearly one half over the past four decades."

Reptiles and forest mammals are the worst affected. Reptiles in China have dropped 97 percent due to overhunting and habitat loss. Forest mammals have dropped 78 percent. China now requires an average of 2.2 global hectares of land per person to maintain a modern standard of living, but this needs to be balanced with conservation efforts. 

China is a world leader that's in the position to set a new wildlife conservation precedent. Please sign and share this petition urging China to set an example and protect ALL of its wildlife - not just pandas - before it's too late.

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