Pledge to Higher Quality, Lower Cost Health Care

Americans spend more on health care than people do elsewhere, but somehow we spend more for less.

Most of us have no clue about the actual cost of our medical care until the bills arrive, because hospitals and doctors don’t publish their charges. The cost of insurance goes up and up, with fewer services covered. Millions of Americans needlessly suffer or die from preventable medical errors and infections.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Costs can come down and quality can improve if we stop letting the insurance companies run the show, make billing clear and simple, and focus on prevention and managing chronic illness better.

You can make a difference by taking our pledge and joining our effort to make health care a top priority for our nation’s leaders.

I want to join with other Americans to support action, answers and accountability. It is time to:
  • * Give my family security that we will have quality care when we need it at a cost we can afford;
  • * Make hospitals and doctors more transparent about the cost and quality of care they offer;
  • * Eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy between patients and the care they need;
  • * End long waits for care;
  • * Examine all solutions that will ensure all Americans access to quality, affordable care, with input from real people like me.

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