Tell Yahoo! Japan: Stop Selling Ivory And Protect Elephants

As many as 30,000 elephants have been killed annually in recent years for their ivory, fueling a poaching crisis in many African countries.
To combat this crisis, leading technology giants like Google, Amazon, eBay, Rakuten, and Alibaba have taken a stand against selling ivory. However, Yahoo! Japan remains a major seller. In the last 10 years alone, US $27 million worth of ivory products have been sold on Yahoo! Japan Auctions.
Time is running out for elephants. If future generations have any hope of seeing African elephants in the wild, poaching for the ivory trade must be eliminated as quickly as possible.
SoftBank, with a 43 percent share of Yahoo! Japan, is in a powerful position to help push the company to act in a socially and environmentally responsible manner and ban the advertisement and sale of all elephant products.
It's time for Yahoo! Japan to stop being complicit in the slaughter and join other tech giants and ban ivory sales on its platform. Will you take a few seconds to raise your voice to help?
Send a message to Masayoshi Son, the Director of Yahoo! Japan and Chairman of SoftBank Corp., urging him to end ivory sales and help stop the slaughter of Africa's dwindling elephant populations.
Subject: Protect elephants: Ban online ivory sales
Dear Mr. Son,
I am writing to urge you to expeditiously end Yahoo! Japan's advertisement and sale of elephant ivory products. SoftBank, with a 43 percent share of Yahoo! Japan, is uniquely positioned to ensure that Yahoo! Japan acts in a socially and environmentally responsible manner and bans ivory sales immediately.
Africa's elephants are in crisis, with as many as 35,000 poached yearly. Sadly, these majestic animals are killed to feed the demand for unnecessary ivory trinkets and trophies.
While the Government of Japan currently permits trade in elephant ivory, many major companies and governments worldwide have adopted more progressive policies to ensure endangered and threatened species are protected. Leading technology companies like Google,, Rakuten, and Alibaba have banned ivory sales on all their sites globally, and Yahoo! Inc. in the United States does not permit sales of ivory products.
[Your Comment]
If future generations have any hope of seeing African elephants in the wild, poaching for the ivory trade must be eliminated. I urge Yahoo! Japan and SoftBank to join the effort to protect elephants by putting a halt to all ivory sales, thus eliminating your roles in this deadly trade.
[Your Name]
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