Low income families in Cambodia are being forced to adhere to strict rules, going hungry, and not receiving enough government support during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: The Cambodian Government

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected people around the world and Cambodia is no different. The Cambodian government is not providing enough support to low income earners and their families through this very difficult time. 

Act now and tell the Cambodian government to continue supporting their people financially and reassess the strict rules in place that are stifling their freedoms!

The Cambodian government needs to urgently address the finacial and social impacts of the pandemic, which have hit hardest the country's low income and impoverished population. The government provided a one time cash payment to poorer families but there are no safegurads beyond this program. The households and people most at risk are also being asked not to leave the home and are suspended from working when lockdowns occur, putting further financial stress on them financially and the possibility of losing their jobs entirely. These people are being threatened with going hungry, losing their homes, and becoming sick from the virus

The goverment also designated certain areas as red zones that are more at risk of transmitting and contracting the virus. There have been numerous problems with the food and relief packages to these zones, with inadequate and insufficient deliveries, as well as disproportionate amounts of food containers no matter the size of the family. Large families, single parents, and all of their children are going hungry, and they aren't even allowed to leave to buy food!

Sign the petition and urge the Cambodian government continue to support these at risk people and follow the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights that was agreed upon in 1992!

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