Defend Our Coastline. Stop Kinder Morgan.

On April 8th, Canadians were reminded of the dangers of increased tanker traffic off the BC coastline when an oil spill in Vancouver's iconic English Bay saw toxic Bunker C oil wash up on the shores of Stanley Park.
Ever since Stephen Harper formed government, he has eliminated environmental measures.
Since 1972, every government has honoured a ban on crude oil super tankers off the BC coast, Harper imagined this ban away. In 2012, Harper eliminated the Environment Canada Vancouver Emergency Response station, then in 2014 closed the Kitsilano Coast Guard station and the entire DFO Marine Mammal Contaminants Programme.
Despite tepid criticism from other opposition parties of the Kinder Morgan process before the National Energy Board (NEB), they have not opposed the seven-fold increase in the number of super tankers carrying bitumen in Vancouver's harbour.
The Green Party is the only party standing up against this and other pipelines dedicated to the export of raw bitumen.
Defending our coast demands action. Sign-on today and protect our coastline from the threat of oil spills by joining Elizabeth May, candidate Lynne Quarmby, and the Green Party of Canada in saying no to the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline.
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