Urgent Petition: Pass the PAAW Act to defund Dr. Fauci's beagle experiments at NIAID!

We've reached a turning point in our fight to end painful beagle experiments at the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), formerly led by Dr. Anthony Fauci. 

The PAAW Act: Congress has introduced the Preventing Animal Abuse and Waste (PAAW) Act to permanently prohibit Dr. Fauci's former department from conducting or funding the torture of any more puppies with our tax dollars.

Sign the petition to demand your members of Congress support this White Coat Waste Project (WCW) bill that will save hundreds of puppies and millions of tax dollars!

WCW shocked taxpayers across the political spectrum when our #BeagleGate investigation exposed that the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), under the direction of former director Dr. Fauci, has been secretly wasting our tax dollars to fund painful beagle experiments.

Six month-old puppies. Vocal cords ripped out. Pumped with poison. Injected with mutant bacteria. Eaten alive by starving ticks and infected flies.

If you abused a puppy like this, you'd pay a huge fine. You'd probably go to jail. But when Dr. Fauci and his white coats did it in a government lab, they cashed a large paycheck (courtesy of your tax bill!)

It's time we put an end to this double standard.  Please sign onto WCW's petition demanding Congress pass the PAAW Act immediately. This bipartisan legislation will strip every red cent from the NIAID's heinous beagle testing budget... forever!

The NIAD has no intention of slowing down beagle experiments anytime soon.

WCW previously exposed Dr. Fauci's plans to waste another $1.8 million in taxpayer funds to poison six-month-old puppies in a new series of five painful experiments.

Luckily, WCW's rapid response efforts were successful and ALL FIVE of Dr. Fauci's taxpayer-funded "runny nose" experiments on dogs have been canceled.

But his former department is still funding other dog labs.

That's why WCW worked with Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), Rep. Dina Titus (D-NV), and other powerful members of Congress in both parties to introduce the PAAW Act.  It specifically prohibits your tax dollars from funding any more beagle experiments. 

Stop the MONEY. Stop the MADNESS. It's that simple.

Now we need YOU to help us ensure every Republican and Democrat — in every Congressional District — feels pressure to support and pass this life-saving legislation quickly.

Add your name in support of the PAAW Act. Passing this bill into law is the only bullet-proof way to stop white coats from slaughtering more beagles.

Remember: the NIAID funding CUT OUT their vocal cords. Now, let's CUT OFF their wasteful spending!

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