Think Outside the Gift-wrapped Box

For many Americans, the wrapping -- and tearing open -- of gifts is part of the joy of the holidays.

In fact, we spend $2.6 billion dollars ensuring we have our gifts colorfully clad!

The paper really piles up, representing a large portion of the 4 million tons of excess waste each holiday season.

Before your spirits are dampened, consider that making small changes can make a large difference.

Think outside the gift-wrapped box this holiday and give one alternative gift this year in place of a traditional gift. Small change. Big difference.

No wrapping needed on a gift like chicks from Heifer International -- the joy comes from a different source. You can be assured -- and share with the person you're giving to -- that your gift means self-reliance and hope for another family.

Make a commitment today to think outside the gift box this year and consider alternative gifts of hope.
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